Theresa Rothe & Josefine Schulz

July 8 - October 10, 2023 | Rethelstraße 45, Dresden

Due to personnel reasons we unfortunately have to close the exhibition one week earlier on September 30, 2023

Opening hours: Tue - Sat, 11 am - 5:30 pm | Admission free

Opening: July 8 | 6 pm with subsequent garden party

While the Ostrale Biennale is already underway in the Robotron canteen, construction is still underway at Rethelstraße 45, the Ostrale base. From July 8, the two Leipzig artists Theresa Rothe and Josefine Schulz can be seen here with their exhibition REAL FRIENDS vol 2, which had its debut in Hamburg in February. Not only artistically, but also personally, they jointly negotiate the topic of friendship - always in dialog, never in competition with each other - and ask questions about the value of (true) friendship in our society at a time when the term is used almost inflationarily in the digital context.

Theresa Rothe's plush objects and Josefine Schulz's colorful paintings come together. While the former deals with and reflects on her own body, everyday curiosities, animal observations and the voyeuristic gaze, the latter shows us the realities of life in her generation, the need for belonging and closeness. They both play with the familiar and the strange; cuteness becomes an aesthetic of closeness.

Unlike the Biennale, the OSTRALE.Basis aims above all to be a place for the district. Thematic focuses are combined with guided tours and workshops, creating a temporary space for discourse - for children and young people, but also for interested parties of all ages. This summer, from July 8 to October 1, artists Theresa Rothe and Josefine Schulz will be exploring the theme of friendship in a wide-ranging context.